People often think that hosting a job fair requires plenty of time, effort, and money. Indeed, to organize a job fair needs the cooperation of many parties. However, the current trend of organizing is virtual events. An online job fair will need less energy, save a lot of money and the result is extremely amazing. Here are 5 reasons why people should hold a virtual job fair.

Cheaper to run

Instead of spending money on the venue, audio set up and other necessary equipment to organize a physical job fair. To hold a virtual version, event planners just need to rent a suitable platform and do their work. Let’s think about how much they can save.

Approach attendees from different places.

If a job fair is held in Toronto, the majority of attendees could come from the GTA. In contrast, if that event is held online, people from Nova Scotia or Saskatchewan could join as they aim to have a job in Toronto. As the matter of fact, the opportunity will be open to everyone across Canada.

Employers will say “yes” to attend easily.

The process of finding partners for a job fair will take quite a lot of time, regardless of whether it is a virtual or a physical event. However, it is easier for employers to agree to take part in virtual job fairs. Virtual job fair does not require them to do anything other than bring job opportunities to job seekers. Therefore, recruiters find it easy to agree to join the event, because they can find candidates right at their home.

Simple to run

Organizing a job fair with complicated steps will bring to event planners nothing. Instead, organizers need a simple agenda. People easily to join and apply to any companies they want, then the event will be successful.

Keep track of the interaction between attendees and companies with ease.

Some online platforms can track attendees’ interactions with companies. For example, after the event, the organizers will know how many people clicked on pop-up ads. This is important data that employers want to know besides finding potential candidates.

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