Super excited about the latest #RemoUpgrade. Book a demo and let’s talk about how we can make this engaging virtual event…
Have fun arting, crafting and chatting with your creative besties. Invite them to join you at World Event Center on…
Hosted by Startup Social Enterprise, a Startup Canada community driven by Social Venture Circuit. Let’s celebrate and share the impactful…
Launch an experience survey to your event guests and see what they think in real-time. HOW TO USE
With this feature, you AND your guests can easily find anyone in the event space!Click here to learn how.
Remo Support Hours Remo offers complimentary support 6:30am Monday-6:30am Saturday (IST) and of course, World Event Center is happy to…
58% of people polledsay their favourite way to participate in community, within their industry is by attending events. What’s your…