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World Event Center is powered by Remo, a highly interactive, engaging all-in-one video conferencing solution we’ve been selling and serving since 2019. If it’s your first time using World Event Center, you will be required to create an account. We recommend you review the user guide to ensure you get the most from the experience.

Testing your system in advance is recommended to allow time to trouble shoot any barriers like firewalls, which arise from time to time. Because you are presenting, we also recommend attending a technical dress rehearsal to ensure you get maximum results, learn best practices and have practice before the big day.


    • Reliable internet is required for any high bandwidth activity like video conferencing
    • Test your internet speed now and if your internet is questionable
    • Your computer has enough resources, and how to get around any cache problems
    • Your system is compatible and up-to-date
    • Your software is up-to-date


We will invite you to be a speaker in one of two ways:

  • IN ADVANCE BY EMAIL — For this to work, you must accept the email invitation, login using the same email that was used to invite you. Once you accept this invitation, to join stage you simply turn on camera and mic when it’s time to join stage.
  • INVITING YOU TO STAGE DURING YOUR EVENT — You will be prompted as follows and select the “Turn Mic and Cam on”
Speaker Invite Pop Up that says... Host has added you to the stage. You are now on the stage, but your mic and cam are off. Would you like to turn on your mic and cam right now?


When you are ready to leave the stage, simply click the camera and mic icons once.



When sharing PowerPoint slides in Presentation mode with just one monitor, event hosts are frequently concerned about the presenter only seeing the presentation and not the audience, but this can be avoided! Here’s how by video and here’s how in steps:

  1. Sharing your presentation using a computer or laptop is very easy. Simply follow the following steps:
  2. Open PowerPoint
  3. Click on the “Slideshow” tab
  4. Click “Set Up Slideshow,” and a pop-up will appear
  5. Choose “Browsed by an Individual (Window)” and the PowerPoint presentation will be displayed in a tab version so the presenter can see the slide deck and Remo simultaneously.
  1. Open Chrome browser and minimize that window
  2. Open your google slides presentation in full screen/slideshow mode
  3. Navigate back to Google Chrome window by cycling through the windows you have open using one of the following commands:
    1. Press ALT + tab (windows)
    2. Press Command + tab (mac)
  4. Enter meeting as you would normally
  5. When it’s time to present, and you are on stage
    1. press the ‘Share Screen’ icon (bottom menu toolbar)
    2. Select the tab ‘Application Window’
    3. Select the window showing your presentation
    4. Click ‘Share’
  6. Your guests will now be able to see your presentation in full screen.
  7. When you are done, click ‘stop screen sharing and you’ll be back to the event window


Can I See My Presentation and the Event at The Same Time?

You will by default see only your presentation window, however there are work arounds:

  1. Use Second Monitor and have the event open in one window and your presentation in another
  2. Reduce size of both windows so you can see them both on one monitor
  3. Switch the window you’re viewing using the following commands:
    • Press ALT + tab (windows)
    • Press Command + tab (mac)

Can I practice sharing my screen?

Feel free to stop by our showroom 24/7. Sharing the screen is the same in both presentation mode and conversation mode.


  • CHAT— Ask guests to introduce them in the CHAT, and explain how they can chat publicly, to people at their table or individuals.
  • Q&A — Ask guests to post and upvote questions
  • RAISING HANDS — Asking your guests to raise their hands is a great way to engage them. You have the capability of lowering all hands also.
  • SHARING YOUR SCREEN — Yes, you can share your screen by clicking on the share screen icon at the bottom of your screen. It’s recommended that as you are sharing, you also explain how guests can enlarge the shared screen (icon top right of the shared window) and then how to shrink it again (icon at top right of the shared screen or back to floor map).
  • SHARING VIDEOS — Yes, you can share any YouTube video that is shared as “public” or “unlisted” and set to allow “embedding”. To share your video, click on the three dots at bottom of your screen, select share video, and then clicking on the checkbox.
  • WHITEBOARD — You can share and use your whiteboard by clicking on the icon at the bottom of your screen.

If you have any questions this guide does not answer, please call 1-800-579-9253 or book an appointment or send us an email.